Friday, November 27, 2009


Prior to coming into CreComm, I never thought twice about having a blog - now I have one.

I also never thought twice about having a twitter account - but now I have one.

I figured a facebook account was enough and didn't even know how twitter really worked.

This past week in our PR class, we had to create a twitter account and keep it active with updates.  We had a two hour class to sign up (if we haven't) and then browse around.  And I have to say that it's pretty interesting.  You can "follow" people, such as Oprah or Ellen! Or organizations such as the Winnipeg Free Press or IABC (The International Association of Business Communicators).

It's actually a beneficial social medium to use professionally as well.  It gives you the opportunity to update people on your organizations doings that might not be big enough to promote in a larger form. 

I am still trying to figure out exactly how twitter works, but as of right now, it seems pretty neat!

And I thought of another name for "followers".  They can be my "peeps", like the marshmallow chickens that you can buy around Easter time, know what I'm talking about?  And since the twitter logo is a bird then it all makes sense haha!  Just a thought......

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