Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hallmark's two-hour commercial

I watched the Hallmark Hall of Fame movie tonight....yes I know, sap city.  But they always tear at my heartstrings. 

Since the movie is from the Hallmark Hall of Fame, every break (except for one) showed commercials from Hallmark.  Each commercial is different and has a little story behind it, which also works to pull on people's heartstrings.  They are always so sappy, with the music and happy endings, but also very effective.  They work at reaching a person through emotion, which is a very powerful tool.  Now these commercials are only seen by a particular target market, as not everyone is interested in the Hallmark Hall of Fame movies.  But I also think that the commercials work so well because the target market of the movie is exactly the target market of the commercials.

So in the end, I essentially just watched a two hour commercial for Hallmark, and will remember Hallmark for my next card purchase.

A job well done Hallmark.

Here is my favourite commercial that they showed throughout the duration of the movie.  It takes a bit of an unconventional path compared to most of the other Hallmark commercials, but it made me laugh.

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