Friday, October 22, 2010

security blanket in PR

A couple posts back, I posted a clip from a mini-webisode series on the Grey's Anatomy website.  I've decided to post all six as they become available over the weeks.  Week 2 is actually very timely. 

This past week in our PR class, we practiced giving a 5-7 second message in front of a camera.  And for those of you who think it's easy to make a message that short, think again!  It's also very nerve-racking to be in front of the camera and remember what you have to say without a paper.  Needless to say, I used my paper as a security blanket. I still need some practice.

This week's Grey's Anatomy webisode is about finding the right person to make an important interview.  Doctor Hunt has a bit of trouble getting his message across, lucky for him he was able to stop and start again, and had cue cards.  If only we could use cue cards in real life situations where no one would notice, except us.

I wonder how many of us would have got fired from their duties on Monday, like Dr. Hunt did haha!


  1. Thanks for posting these!

    What do you think of the PR consultant character?

  2. Her character seems a bit rigid and impersonal. She seems like she just wants to get the job done and doesn't really care about the people behind the message. If someone were to watch the video, I would say that they may get the wrong impression about the positive use of PR.
